Tuesday, February 3, 2009


I am a nerd. More often than not, I really like to study. I think it's because I have this desire to learn everything about everything. I love it though. I enjoy the mental stimulation. AND I love learning more and more about everything because it makes conversations more interesting and diverse and it opens up a lot of opportunities.
This weekend I spent quite some time in the library and I loved it. I had my own little cubicle next to a window (I HAVE to have light. I will never be able to live in a dark house. My room at home is 75% windows. In my apartment, the first thing I do when I get up is open the blinds. I need the sunlight!!!). I digress...
I love my classes, which is a good thing since I'm paying $1000s to get an education. But seriously, I've had some horrid classes-the ones I go to, take notes, study, pass the class, and can't tell a soul what I learned. The classes I'm taking this semester are so interesting! Tuesdays are my busiest days (class from (9:35am to 6:40pm)--very long days. However, my last class is one of my favorites. It's just fascinating.
I have big plans for going back to school after I become an RD. A girl in one of my classes said her husband's grandmother goes back to school whenever the economy is in a slump. She's a real estate agent, a CPA, a CNA, and has a law degree, and is going back. THAT is motivating. That's what I'm going to do. I want to go back for photography, maybe culinary school, editing, humanities, maybe floral design. I've got big plans.
Hoooray for being a nerd! Shout out to all the nerds out there!


AB said...

Gabe you are too cute to be a nerd. Sorry but nerds aren't cute. You are just a hot smarty pants....

Jean said...

haha. i think we are all nerds. you afton and i. physiology nerds 4evah haha

Gabe said...

Physiology friends for life!!!