Monday, January 11, 2010


There are a few blogs that I check on a daily basis. One, and I've mentioned her blog before, is Nie Nie.

If you've never read her blog before, please go now! Go! Shoo! Off you go! Her blog is fabulous. Her story is just fantastic and she is one of the most amazing women you'll ever know or read about. She's sweet and adorable and her life is beautiful.

Anyways, you'll have to read her story to understand why she's undergoing surgery, but her husband posted a little update about her and ended it with this:

Thank you so much to all of you who are thinking of and praying for my dear wife. She is the love of my life and I know that the power of prayer is real and it works. We are going to get through this thing.

Love, Mr. Nielson

Isn't that so sweet? I want my own Mr. Nielson!

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