I needed it. Correction, NEED it.
I applied to 5 jobs on Monday, with a bright-eyed, bushy-tailed dream and hope of the east coast and enjoying the city life for a bit and the autumn colors, exploring the city, having an income, finally having a career....I could go on. Then Tuesday morning I woke up, checked my mail and saw that I had been rejected by my number one and two choices (in Boston and NYC, respectively) since I don't meet the minimum qualifications. Ouch. But then I thought about it. True statement. I'm technically not done with my internship yet so I'm not qualified. Dang. Now my patience is really being put to the test. So I felt pretty down and decided to hold off applying until I'm a little closer to graduation. Bust. I hate waiting. I want to know NOW so that I can plan, plan, plan. Drats. All I have is a bunch of "ifs."
I got an e-mail today that gave me a sliver of hope. My number one choice in Boston e-mailed to say they had received my application and it was in the process of review and if I am chosen I will be contacted in 2-4 weeks for an interview. Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? So I went back and re-read the first e-mail, which I thought was a rejection. Not so! They just e-mailed to say they got my application....blah blah blah. It doesn't matter. The point being, THERE IS STILL A SLIVER OF HOPE!!!!!!!!!! I'm still technically not RD-eligible until May BUT if they take super long to review the applications and IF they think I'm qualified and a good fit there is a chance. THERE IS STILL A CHANCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Pleaseohpleaseohpleaseohpleaseohpleaseohpleaseohpleaseohpleaseohpleaseohpleaseohplease

I realize and acknowledge that I may or may not sound slightly, or really, childish right now but if you only knew how badly I want to be in Boston maybe you could understand. Maybe.

So here's to acting, dreaming (lots of it!), planning, and believing (and praying and pleading and hoping)!
I applied to 5 jobs on Monday, with a bright-eyed, bushy-tailed dream and hope of the east coast and enjoying the city life for a bit and the autumn colors, exploring the city, having an income, finally having a career....I could go on. Then Tuesday morning I woke up, checked my mail and saw that I had been rejected by my number one and two choices (in Boston and NYC, respectively) since I don't meet the minimum qualifications. Ouch. But then I thought about it. True statement. I'm technically not done with my internship yet so I'm not qualified. Dang. Now my patience is really being put to the test. So I felt pretty down and decided to hold off applying until I'm a little closer to graduation. Bust. I hate waiting. I want to know NOW so that I can plan, plan, plan. Drats. All I have is a bunch of "ifs."
I got an e-mail today that gave me a sliver of hope. My number one choice in Boston e-mailed to say they had received my application and it was in the process of review and if I am chosen I will be contacted in 2-4 weeks for an interview. Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? So I went back and re-read the first e-mail, which I thought was a rejection. Not so! They just e-mailed to say they got my application....blah blah blah. It doesn't matter. The point being, THERE IS STILL A SLIVER OF HOPE!!!!!!!!!! I'm still technically not RD-eligible until May BUT if they take super long to review the applications and IF they think I'm qualified and a good fit there is a chance. THERE IS STILL A CHANCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Pleaseohpleaseohpleaseohpleaseohpleaseohpleaseohpleaseohpleaseohpleaseohpleaseohplease

So here's to acting, dreaming (lots of it!), planning, and believing (and praying and pleading and hoping)!
You can do it Gabe! Boston, and the east coast in general, are calling your name girl!
UberPleaseOhPleaseWithSugar&ACherryOnTop it will be Boston!
Yeah, you can do it! Don't get discouraged, we're all there trying to apply for jobs. Entry-level is always hard but it's still early!
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