Monday, May 18, 2009

Ticks, losing teeth, and papercuts...OH MY!

I don't really like when people ask me what my biggest fear is because that is such a broad question. Do you mean seriously? Life-threatening fears? Quirky fears? Phobia-fears? I mean what are we talking about here?
However, there are 3 things that absolutely terrify me-the whole cold shivers up the spine, shudder-at-the-thought fear.

{in no particular order}
1. Papercuts in my eye. I'm not alone with this fear but have you ever thought about it? My eyes are sensitive to begin with and I've had my far share of eye injuries and scares. Icicle thrown at my eye...not so fun. Papercuts on my fingers hurt immensely; in my eye though? ICK *shutter*

2. Losing my teeth. I've actually had recurring nightmares about this. I'm serious. In my dreams my teeth keep falling out when I move my tongue and it's quite possibly one of the worst feelings I've ever had. I've also had nightmares where I couldn't stop grinding me teeth and then they just fell out. HORRIBLE.

3. There are few things the word "hate" should be reserved for considering it's such a strong word (although loosely used, like the f-word....geez people). I believe ticks qualify for the use of hate. I hate ticks. Doesn't that just flow right off your tongue? Agree with me or not, I hate ticks. I took my dog out this afternoon and he literally went gallivanting and hopping through the fields behind our house. I was trying to keep up with him with his much shorter than usual leash (we have roofers here and I couldn't get to his leash without possibly knocking over some ladders and injuring some people so I decided to use the much shorter leash...bad idea). Scottie (the dog) did his thing and then did some exploring and then I decided it was time to go in. Well, as I settled in my mom's sitting room to start planning my 22nd birthday party (I was inspired by some Martha Stewart magazines in my mom's room--it's going to be a poker/James Bond/Casino theme...I'm pretty dang excited!), I spotted a tick on my sweatshirt. A cold feeling crept up my spine. Panic began to set in. Then I saw another tick on my pants. Don't panic Gabe, don't panic. Run to the bathroom. RUN to the bathroom. Get out the tweezers and rubbing alcohol. Pluck ticks off clothing and put in rubbing alcohol to watch them suffocate. {muah ahahahaaha}. I settled back into my mom's sitting room only to find TICK #3 on the sleeve of my sweatshirt. At this point I was just irritated. Added that one to the collection, bustled downstairs and had my mom do a scan for ticks. All clear. Picked my brother up from tennis. Get back to my mom's sitting room and what do I find. ANOTHER TICK. On my cup! SICK! Dane took care of this bugger. Have you ever doused a tick in rubbing alcohol and then lit it on fire? It's pretty cool. I didn't this time but my brothers and I have in the past. It rules.
It also doesn't help that I read an article today about a woman who contracted Lyme disease from a tick, was misdiagnosed twice, and ended up killing herself because the Lyme disease was so bad. So, for the next week everytime I feel a bump or a crawling sensation I will panic, freak out, and think it's a tick. Great.

Stupid ticks.


AB said...

I have dreams where I lose my teeth too!Paper cut on your eye holy cow now you are going to make me paranoid Gabe!

emily said...

haha Gabe.. You are too funny. I am sorry about the ticks situation, no fun. I am glad you are planning your birthday! haha

Ruthie K said...

Bah! Can I just tell you that I feel your fears are 100% valid. Like, seriously, I totally got the creepy crawlies reading this...

Jean said...

i'm afraid of ticks too!!! and yeah, learning about lyme disease in all of my health classes doesn't help...

The Meyers said...

You.... are.... hilarious.

A-Kap said...

I didn't think anyone else on earth feared paper cuts in the eyes as much as I do...but apparently you do too. It is a very real and very constant fear and I have NO IDEA WHY. Jim has dreams about his teeth falling out ALL the time...but I never have. He described his dreams the same way you did. Weird. I absolutely abhor ticks. Hate hate hate them. Hate them. They are one of the few reasons I will be happy to leave the country...some day...if that ever happens....