Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Totally Tuesday....

It's totally Tuesday. I can tell because the week has just began and I'm ready for Friday. It's not quite as annoying as Mondays but still a little irritating.

So far school hasn't been particularly overwhelming, thankfully, except for this week. The one thing that was/is MAJORLY stressing me out my lesson plan for my Teaching Methods class.

1. I strongly dislike public speaking to begin with, but to have to give a lesson in front of my classmates, my professor is just horrid. Oh but it gets worse. I get videotaped. And then I have to watch myself!!!!! I know, I know. It's so I can learn and grow and get better at teaching. I will realize this after the fact but before the fact....I'M FREAKIN OUT!!!!!!! I have to WATCH myself! That is just cruel and unusual torture. Great, great.

2. I had no idea what on earth I was going to teach. So I was brainstorming and then....WAM! I got an idea. After trying several dozen times to think of something else unsuccessfully, I'm sticking to my plan. Here's what I got. My audience is a 3rd grade class and I am going to teach them how to properly set a dinner table (yes that includes a bread plate, salad fork, and soup spoon). How? Well I am going to create a story about a princess spoon and her sister the soup spoon and their adventure with the prince fork and his best friend the salad fork and the evil knife Ned. Ultimately: the evil knife traps the princess and her sister on the opposite side of a crodible infested lake (the plate) from the forks. The drinking glass is going to be a volcano...of milk! It's a work in progress. I hope my professor approves my plan tomorrow.

Yikes. We'll see!


Erica Hansen, MS, RD said...


1) Love the new blog background. LOVE.

2) I too could not think of a dang thing to teach and it was stressing me out! (even though i secretly like public speaking, cringe)

3)I am sooo hoping that you are teaching in Dr. Nyland's group because I want to hear your dinner table fairy tale. If you aren't...can I have a private lesson? ;)

A-Kap said...

I want a private lesson too.... It sounds EXCELLENT! GRRRREAT idea! I want to share it with my kids...some day....they're not ready for that kind of training -- yet.