Sunday, September 13, 2009

Weekend Tidbits

First of all, I'm happy to report that I am no longer ill AND that it WAS NOT the flu. It was a silly, yet horrid cold. I'm glad it's over.

BYU killed Tulane 54-3. WOW. And BYU is now....NUMBER 7!!!!!!!!!!!! Amazing? You had better believe it!
Taken from

I am on a soccer intramural team. This is highly amusing because the last time I actually played organized soccer was....recess, elementary school. This is going to be VERY amusing. I don't even know all the rules for soccer. Good thing the girls on my team are in the same boat, or a very similar boat....I hope. Go White Lightning!!!!

My 22nd birthday is Wednesday. 22-so weird. SO, so weird. 21 and I still felt young. 22 and now I'm feelin' a tad old. Also I'm a senior and graduating and therefore I feel like the oldest person on campus, which I realize is FAAAR, FAAAR, far from the truth but it's how I feel. Weird.

My roommates and I are throwin' a little bash on Saturday in honor of my birth. It's gonna rock. I'm making: a Hostess Cupcake Cake, rice crispy treats (and a dang lot of 'em!), Boston Cream Pie, an ice cream cake (chocolate chip cookie dough with reeses peanut butter cups), and a banana split cake/trifle. CAN we say YUM! Yes, you we can. Pictures to come.

Some of my east coast friends (more like sisters) and I made dinner last night, went and got ice cream, and watched "Behind Enemy Lines" (I love that movie!)

Brittney is an amazing chef!
Rach and Britt

Oh so delish! The food that is...
My beloved Red Sox beat the Rays. AND my girls Rach, Britt, Kat, and myself purchased Celtics tickets when they play the Jazz in March. My first time seeing the Celtics live (unfortunately it's not in Boston...but we'll save that for another time) AND I'm seeing it with some of my best friends ever. I can't wait! Which means I get to see this up and comin' point guard. OH my gosh I cannot wait!!!!Taken from:

Life is good. Life is real good.

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