Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Wednesday Night Agenda

A looming sky


Specifically, lemon crinkle cookies
Picture from here as mine are still in the works

And I finally got one of the three books I ordered in the mail today: "Very Valentine." I might just crack it open and read a little. And dream of NYC and Italy...and maybe a future Italian husband...? A girl can dream!  

Today was crazy. First of all, I did my first power yoga class last night and it was so awesome. I hobbled around today because I am so sore. My quads and hamstrings were crying during the class and when I got home I bent over to pick something up and my quad was quivering. I laughed and then whimpered because my abs hurt and my lower back was sore so I had a hard time standing back up. So I laughed even more. I amuse myself sometimes. Anyway....I was so busy this morning writing new TPN orders for 2 patients that I missed breakfast. BAD. NEWS. BEARS. Sad, sad moment. Luckily I had an orange in my office so I had that and crackers + PB. I have a patient not tolerating his tube feeds at all and it's breaking my heart because he just wants to eat but can't. Silent aspiration = deadly. On the plus side, I've gotten to work closely with the different physicians following him and that may be one of my favorite parts of my job: working with the doctors; specifically talking with them, learning from them, feeling like my role matters because they ask me questions and actually listen to what I have to say. It's rewarding. I love the doctors I work with. Except there is one, but I have yet to interact with him, and I'm convinced he suffers from "God-Syndrome." Yikes. And maybe "Little Man Syndrome." Anyway, this week has been rewarding so far. I'm super busy, which I love, and I've enjoyed it. 

Then when it started to downpour, I went outside to (attempt to) snap a shot of the rain (which obviously didn't work) and my neighbor Tony came out to chat. Tony is from Jersey. He's probably in his 60s or 70s, wicked tan, has tattoos, likes to walk around in shorts and a bare chest, and has a cute chihuahua named "Poppy." It was fun. He told me in the 13 years he's lived here, he has never seen a big storm. I was grateful (mostly because I hope I don't witness one, at least not one that causes serious damage and threatens lives...aka a hurricane) but he was wistful. He told me about his lady friend, which was amusing. He told me some spots to check out, which I was grateful for. Then he showed me some pictures from Poppy's racing days (he beat out 35 chihuahuas in a race a few years back). It was sweet. 

Now I'm off to bake. 
Music of choice: Sara Bareilles's album Kaleidoscope Heart. I recently discovered the awesomeness of the entire album, not just the hits played on the radio over the years and I love it. I hope her new one is as good or better.  

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